Situational Awareness Technology
Whether it be Military or Civilian, Command and Control is a function of operations management that thrives on information. As the information increases in currency and accuracy, the operations management provided is correspondingly more efficient and effective.
OnScene Commander is a tool designed to present mission-relevant, actionable information fostering time-critical decision making. Emergency Management operations support includes, but is not limited to, Wild Firefighting, Natural Disaster Response and Recovery, and Search and Rescue Support. Further uses may consist of any situation requiring awareness of deployed field assets, both personnel, and equipment. OnScene Commander utilizes real-time and near real-time tools to provide valuable service in all these situations.
- Display multiple data sourcesReal-time UAS flight position & data
- Position of PAWS-equipped personnel*
- Loaded GIS shapefile map overlays
- DIS simulation entities
- View entity data (position, speed, etc.)
- Pin geo-locations for quick reference
- Customizable alert system
- Low battery, lost GPS, SOS, etc.
- Assign an image & severity to alert types (None, Warning, Critical, etc.)
- Monitoring restricted area breaches*
- Two-way texting and warning
* Requires a Personnel Accountability & Warning System (PAWS) hand-held GPS unit.