The PLEXSYS Advanced Simulation Combat Operations Trainer (ASCOT) provided the synthetic environment for Trial PHANTOM RACE 1, a research event sponsored by the UK Ministry of Defense (MoD), and a continuation of the research carried out for Trial LiveWIRE in February 2011. This was Phase 1 of a Live, Virtual, Constructive (LVC) UK Ministry of Defence (MoD) road-map, which is designed to investigate the complexities of incorporating a full LVC capability including FDL into live Typhoon fighters, concluding around 2020. The MoD has identified the need to investigate possible areas of utility, and technical and operational issues associated with LVC training with respect to a future Defense Operational Training Capability (Air) -DOTC(A) construct, and to ensure flexibility in options for delivery of a future DOTC(A) training capabilities. The PLEXSYS-managed E3-D AWACS Mission Crew Trainers participated in the event as part of the Air Battlespace Training Center (ABTC) at RAF Waddington, UK., along with live Typhoon and Flight Refuelling Aviation Falcon aircraft. QinetiQ as the Integration Authority (IA), ‘integrated’ the various systems into the Distributed Synthetic Air Land Training (DSALT) facility. The success of Trial PHANTOM RACE 1 was emphasised by the live Typhoon fighter pilots, who de-briefed that ‘realistic’ training was achieved during this research event.
Founded in 1986, PLEXSYS is a modeling and simulation (M&S) software company with 30+ years of delivering Live, Virtual, and Constructive (LVC) training readiness solutions and innovation. We are a 100% employee-owned small business, with more than 200 full-time employees plus part-time consultants in nine states and four foreign countries. Learn more…