In September, 2012 PLEXSYS was awarded a contract to provide the USAF Distributed Training Operations Center (DTOC) a Tactical Video Distribution System (TVDS) based upon the Enhanced Mission Record and Review System (EMRRS). The PLEXSYS TVDS-EMRRS will enable role playing personnel at the DTOC to transmit simulated drone imagery over secure Wide Area Networks to training subscribers. The primary beneficiaries of this new capability will be the Joint Tactical Air Controller (JTAC) community. Once installed, the tactical video provided by the DTOC will be received over the WAN on the JTACs laptop computers just as they would in actual field use. The PLEXSYS system was chosen to satisfy this vital training requirement as a result of successfully passing stringent network utilization and bandwidth consumption benchmarks. The PLEXSYS TVDS-EMRRS allows the transport of native resolution drone imagery with such efficiency, that the video and the standard simulation data can share the same network without degrading mission activity. In addition to the efficient transport of tactical video, the system will also allow for mission recording and after action review annotation.
Founded in 1986, PLEXSYS is a modeling and simulation (M&S) software company with 30+ years of delivering Live, Virtual, and Constructive (LVC) training readiness solutions and innovation. We are a 100% employee-owned small business, with more than 200 full-time employees plus part-time consultants in nine states and four foreign countries. Learn more…