Visit PLEXSYS and ImmersaView at I/ITSEC 2017

Nov 08, 2017 | General Information | By: Tara Marta

ORLANDO, FLORIDA (November 8, 2017) – PLEXSYS Interface Products, Inc. will demonstrate the latest in advanced Modeling and Simulation (M&S) solutions at the Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation and Education Conference (I/ITSEC) at the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando, Florida.  The event, the world’s largest modeling, simulation, and training conference, will be held November 27 – 30, 2017.

Inspiring Solutions

PLEXSYS concentrations include the development of Live, Virtual, and Constructive (LVC) environment generation technologies used throughout the United States and within other joint and international endeavors. PLEXSYS also provides superior mission briefing and after-action-review technologies, as well as comprehensive LVC synthetic communications training solutions.

Our expert team of engineers and operators, located in booth 1772, will provide demonstrations and additional information to visitors throughout the show.

PLEXSYS technology that will be featured:
  • Advanced Simulation Combat Operations Trainer (ASCOT): ASCOT is a real-time interactive simulation tool that easily manages the entire battlespace from single ship Close Air Support (CAS) missions to multi-axis, multi-ship Large Force Exercises and Special Operations. Multiple systems can be networked together at a single site, or at multiple sites around the world for dynamic large-scale joint and coalition exercises.
  • PLEXComm and sonomarc: These communications systems are powerful client/server audio distribution and effects software packages that provide training realism for fighter cockpits, civilian aviation, and ground-based communications with high-fidelity, low-latency performance.
  • Video, Audio, and Data for After-Action Review (VADAAR) LVC: VADAAR LVC provides a local and distributed, multi-participant after action review capability, all accomplished within a light and upgradeable software framework that uses your existing computer network, eliminating the need for additional hardware. It allows you to record, review, and stream video, audio, and data locally or anywhere in the world from any device.
  • Direct Link Interface (DLI): DLI is a hardware and software solution for customers with a requirement to interface operational data link terminals and live participants, with virtual or constructive participants in a simulated, virtual world.
  • EnGen Framework: EnGen is a powerful new global simulation core.  It rises to the challenges of ever-evolving simulation needs.  Designed by PLEXSYS for maximum flexibility and employment across a wide variety of uses and environments, EnGen is scalable, adaptable and easily sustained.  EnGen also maximizes usability by integrating with existing simulation environments, models and databases.
  • SimWorks: In concert with EnGen, SimWorks is a powerful new simulation platform that has been designed for maximum flexibility and employment across a wide variety of uses and environments.  While robust enough to forge new ground in all forms of air/land/sea simulations, SimWorks is perfectly suited for simulating civilian environments such as high traffic FAA scenarios, disaster response exercises, and academic instruction requiring a network of smart entity behavior.
  • Global Land Air Sea Space (GLASS) View: GLASS View is a robust environment viewing tool that is easy to install and can be operational in minutes.  It works with many simulation environments and is customizable and scalable.  It easily allows people to view and review the entire 3D simulation spectrum.
Operation Blended Warrior (OBW)

As key players in this dynamic event, PLEXSYS will demonstrate technologies that advance integrated LVC training. OBW will provide attendees with insight into the state of LVC capabilities, as well as understanding of current challenges. This year’s Operation Blended Warrior will coordinate more than 40 participants from the show floor – and for the first time, from multiple locations worldwide.

I/ITSEC’s OBW training exercise will occur across five blocks:

  • Block 1 – Monday, 11/27/2017 @ 1430-1600
  • Block 2 – Tuesday, 11/28/2017 @ 1530-1700 (featuring live flight)
  • Block 3 – Wednesday, 11/29/2017 @ 1000-1130
  • Block 4 – Wednesday, 11/29/2017 @ 1500-1630
  • Block 5 – Thursday, 11/30/2017 @ 1000-1045

To schedule a meeting during the conference: please contact Tara Marta at or (360) 838-2536.


Founded in 1986, PLEXSYS is a modeling and simulation (M&S) software company with 30+ years of delivering Live, Virtual, and Constructive (LVC) training readiness solutions and innovation. We are a 100% employee-owned small business, with more than 200 full-time employees plus part-time consultants in nine states and four foreign countries. Learn more…

About ImmersaView

Founded in 2006, ImmersaView develops world-class, unique solutions for immersive displays and high-end video streaming. VADAAR 2, an advanced connection framework, allows you to stream, record, and review video, audio, and data. It is designed for network environments where there are many sources and varied destinations. The ultimate in geometry correction and edge blending software, SimVisuals 2 provides flawless, advanced imagery that allows you to immerse yourself in any scenario completely. Our software is used for training and simulation applications across Defense, Audio Visual, Education, Energy, and Emergency Services industries. ImmersaView’s continued success across global markets led to their acquisition by PLEXSYS in 2016 Learn more…

PLEXSYS Media Contact
(360) 838-2536